Contact Us

Community discussions

Our community forum is hosted on GitHub Discussions. All Skeema users are invited to post questions, share ideas, and request informal troubleshooting assistance. We also warmly welcome contributor-focused topics, such as questions relating to our codebase organization or test suites.

To stay up-to-date with release announcements and blog posts, follow us on Bluesky.

Technical support

Public community technical support is available to all Skeema CLI users, including Skeema Community Edition users and Skeema Plus tier subscribers. Please create a GitHub issue to receive public support for technical questions/troubleshooting, file bug reports, or request new features.

Private technical support is included with the Skeema Max premium tier. If your company has a Skeema Max subscription, visit our Customer Portal for more information on receiving support.

Other inquiries

For commercial inquiries, account management help, billing questions, and all other non-technical topics: please e-mail sales@ our domain.